Tips On Looking Beautiful Throughout Your Pregnancy

The pregnancy glow is a special one that all aspiring mothers look forward to. A flood of hormones can give your skin extra luster and suddenly your hair may grow to unprecedented lengths. Your body will generally surprise you in more ways than you can imagine.
There is, however, a flip side to that coin. The wonders of pregnancy can also include edema, an aversion to scents, and weight gain. When you put them all together, an expectant mother can begin a lot less like herself. Your self-confidence could quickly fly out the window.
Pregnancy does not have to rob you of the joys of looking stylish and beautiful. Read on for some tips on how you can stay gorgeous throughout your expectancy.
Beauty Treatments
Most products and medication are often contraindicated for pregnancy. It is because your body is sensitive and fragile during that period. Nevertheless, it does not mean that you can no longer get beauty treatments but that you need to take precautions.
Hair Care
If your hair care routine is ordinarily very demanding, you may find that you have less patience for it. Spending hours on end at a salon each week may no longer be tenable.
Consider protective styles such as wigs, weaves, braids, or cornrows. They will have your hair looking neat and require very minimal maintenance. You will only require hair oils and shampoos.
Speaking of products, it may be a good time to choose those that have natural ingredients. Natural shea butter, argan oil, or coconut oil are all recommended for sheen and moisture. For washes, consider private label shampoo and conditioners given as their formulations usually comprise safe ingredients.
Skin Care
You most probably have a skincare regimen already in place. There is no reason to change it if it works for you and contains safe ingredients. On the other hand, should you begin to break out, it may be a sign that change is needed.
Typically, milder products are ideal when your skin is irate. As your hormones are altering your body’s chemistry, it would be a bad time to try out complicated regimens.
Shea butter works well for most skin types and is recommended for keeping stretch marks at a minimum. Opt for pure brands as opposed to those that are watered down with other ingredients. Vitamin E oil is also essential as it keeps your skin supple so that it stretches with no damage.
Manicures and Pedicures
Pregnancy experts discuss the subject of manicures and pedicures with an abundance of caution. The reason behind that is, so many things can go wrong.
Your body lowers your immune response a notch during pregnancy thereby making you susceptible to infections. Further, soaking feet in a heated foot bath and vigorous massages can spur contractions in some women.
In light of these concerns, seek the services of a trained professional. Avoiding blood vessels pressure points during massages and proper hygiene is essential. When these are observed, there is no reason not to glam up your nails.
Diet and Hydration
Hormones get blamed a lot for almost all pregnancy-related problems. However, before you resort to that, you might want to check on your diet. In ordinary times, you could get away with eating any way you pleased. In pregnancy, everything you eat is shared between you and your growing child.
A deficiency in nutrients can make your skin look dull and your body would generally feel exhausted. A balanced diet that is heavy on fruits and vegetables can make a world of difference.
Hydration is essential if you hope to reduce pregnancy edema and keep your skin from drying out. It might not be too enjoyable given as your bladder may seem to have shrunk into a bottle top but keep at it.
In the first trimester, most women tend to still fit into their usual clothing. As the pregnancy advances though, you will certainly need a change in wardrobe. When you begin to feel constricted in your favorite pair of pants, it is definitely time to go shopping.
Here is a tip that might save you money, buy your maternity wear in phases. Buying everything at once may leave with you a bunch of clothes that you never wore. They will either be too big for too small. If you buy them gradually through each trimester, you may be able to approximate the fit a bit better.
Alternatively, capitalize on stretchy fabrics and designs that are adjustable. There are many trendy designs that you can choose from lately. Dressing up your bump is no longer restricted to boring frocks.
Have your feet started betraying you and swelling on a whim? It is recommended that you elevate your feet every chance you get to help with the fluid buildup. Nonetheless, your shoes may no longer fit right anymore and you may be wondering where to start. Well, more shopping may be called for.
Look out for good designs that factor in comfort as well. Due to your increasing weight, some extra padding may be more comfortable. In terms of heels, consider taking up kitten heels temporarily as higher stilettos may become harder to walk in.
Fluid retention may mean that your fingers and wrists are slightly chubbier than usual. As a result, rings and wrist watches may not be comfortable to wear. If they are a must-have for you, get them adjusted.
For some women, due to heightened sensitivity, some metals may cause skin irritations too. Explore alternative options such as beaded jewelry.
Feeling like you ‘lost yourself’ is a common feeling among many women both during and after pregnancy. Amidst all the changes and anticipation of the newborn, you may forget to keep up with personal care. It should not be so.
Looking beautiful lifts your mood substantially which is crucial especially because stress has negative effects on pregnancy. Spoil yourself and keep looking glam. You absolutely deserve it.
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